Dienstag, 12.04.2022 / 11:34 Uhr

Iran schmuggelt Waffen nach Russland

Russland braucht Waffen und der Iran liefert. Und zwar Waffen, die sich im besitz schiitischer Milizen im Iran befinden, darunter auch Ausrüstung, die von den USA geliefert wurde. Denn vieles, was damals dem Irak zur Verfügung gestellt wurde landete bei diesen Milizen, die ja unter Obama irgendwie auch als Verbündete im Kampf gegen den Islamischen Staat betrachtet wurden.

So steht der Iran seinem Verbündeten zur Seite, schließlich pflegt man auch in Syrien eine Waffenbruderschaft, um Assad an der Macht zu halten.

Russia is receiving munitions and military hardware sourced from Iraq for its war effort in Ukraine with the help of Iranian weapons smuggling networks, according to members of Iranian-backed Iraqi militias and regional intelligence services with knowledge of the process.

RPGs and anti-tank missiles, as well as Brazilian-designed rocket launcher systems, have been dispatched to Russia from Iraq as Moscow’s campaign has faltered in the last month, the Guardian has learned.

An Iranian-made Bavar 373 missile system, similar to the Russian S-300, has also been donated to Moscow by the authorities in Tehran, who also returned an S-300, according to a source who helped organise the transport. (...)

RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) and anti-tank missiles in the possession of Hashd al-Shaabi, the most powerful Shia militia umbrella, were transported to Iran through the Salamja border crossing on 26 March, where they were received by the Iranian military and taken on to Russia by sea, said a commander of the militia branch that controls the crossing.

Ḥashd al-Shaabi also dismantled and sent in pieces two Brazilian-designed Astros II rocket launcher systems, known in Iraq as the licence-built version Sajil-60, to Iran on 1 April, according to a source within the organisation.

“We don’t care where the heavy weapons go [because we don’t need them at the moment],” one Hashd al-Shaabi source said. “Whatever is anti-US makes us happy.”

Three cargo ships capable of carrying such loads – two Russian flagged and one Iranian flagged – crossed the Caspian Sea from Iran’s port of Bandar Anzali to Astrakhan, a Russian city on the Volga delta, within the timeframes outlined.