Aus dem Netz

Über die Zustände in Ägypten und seinen Knästen, die schon vor Corona ein Alptraum waren:

Weltweit ist die Lage in Gefängnissen besonders schlimm, auch im Iran:

A human rights group revealed on Wednesday that more than 100 Kurdish prisoners in an Iranian prison have been found positive for coronavirus.

Hengaw Organization for Human Rights said in a report that the Kurdish inmates have been held in a Mahabad prison where they also suffer from a lack of efficient services.

Die Jersualem Post meldet:

Israel hit another coronavirus peak on Wednesday: Some 1,977 people tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Tuesday - the highest number in a single day since the start of the crisis.

With just more than 27,000 people screened, the infection rate is over 7%. Another 303 people were diagnosed since midnight.

Seit gestern finden wieder Proteste gegen das Regime im Iran in verschiedenen Provinzen statt:

Iranian protesters have taken to the streets in Shiraz and Behbahan as security forces increase their presence on the streets of Tehran and several other cities.

Amirhossein Moradi, Mohammad Rajabi and Saeed Tamjidi


Wie schon oft in der Vergangenheit zeigt sich: Das Regime reagiert auf Druck, auch öffentlichen Druck:

The Iranian authorities are reported to have halted the impending executions of three anti-government protestors, following a social media campaign.

Die nächste Katastrophe:

Healthcare workers in Syria’s last rebel-held province are bracing for fresh disaster after the overcrowded and poverty-stricken area confirmed its first case of Covid-19.

A doctor in his 30s working at Bab al-Hawa hospital in Idlib near the Turkish border asked to be tested after displaying symptoms, the local health authority said on Thursday evening.

Steckt Israel hinter der Serie mysteriöser Explosionen, die seit einiger Zeit das iranische Atomprogramm treffen? Eine Analyse von Ben Caspit:

Eine lesenswerte Analyse, wie der amerikanische Rückzug aus dem Nahen Osten und das absehbare Ende westlicher Hegemonie die israelische Sicht auf eine mögliche Annektion von Teilen der Westbank bestimmen:


(Die Organisation Jinda verteilt Masken in einem Camp; Bild: Aya Jalal)


Die Lage im Irak verschlechtert sich stetig, besonders betroffen aber sind die Millionen von Binnenvertriebenen im Land:



Es wird verurteilt

Iran has sentenced to death a journalist whose online work helped inspire nationwide economic protests in 2017.


(Demonstration am 6. Juni in Tunis, Bildquelle: TN)


Rival Kurdish groups in northeastern Syria said they had reached an initial agreement for what has long been an elusive goal — Kurdish unity — today, calling it “a significant historical step.” The announcement by opposition parties operating under the umbrella of the Kurdistan National Council (KNC) and those allied with the ruling Democratic Unity Party (PYD) follows US-mediated talks that began in April at a US military base outside the Kurdish-controlled city of Hasakah.



(Bildquelle: Facebook)


Die aus Ägypten stammende Queer-Aktivistin Srah Higazy hat sich das Leben genommen. Ein Nachruf von Ahmed El Hady: