Montag, 15.11.2021 / 19:15 Uhr

Extreme Dürre in Syrien

Bach in Dohuk, Bild: Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

Es war bislang ein Jahr mit so gut wie keinem Regen im Nahen Osten, dafür aber extremen Temperaturen. Überall trocknen Bäche und Flüsse aus und selbst Trinkwasser wird jetzt knapp. Aus Syrien kommen die News, dass erstmals überhaupt ein wichtiges Reservoir völlig ausgetrocknet ist:

A key reservoir in northwestern Syria is almost completely dry for the first time in its 27-year history. The emptying of the reservoir is attributed to low rainfall, structural damage and extraction by struggling farmers.

In 2021, Syria has been experiencing one of its driest and hottest years on record. This has caused drought and a series of wildfires.

Along with climate change, the region receiving historically low rainfall last winter has led to the reservoir drying out.

The reservoir formed by Al-Duwaysat Dam in Idlib province is a key irrigation source for thousands of farmers. (...)


Visuals of the reservoir show the exposed lakebed parched to a crisp in many places. The lakebed is littered with stranded rowing boats, animal skulls, and dead trees.

Only a few shallow pools remain, around which small flocks of sheep graze in the arid landscape.