Freitag, 04.02.2022 / 16:44 Uhr

Iranische Hacker aktiv zum Jahrestag der Revolution

Der offizielle Iran bereitet sich einmal mehr auf die alljährlichen Revolutionsfeierlichkeiten vor, während die Bevölkerung weiter verarmt und überall im Land Lehrerinnen und Lehrer protestieren.

Derweil meldete sich auch eine Gruppe von Hackern zu Wort:

A website for the online streaming of Iran’s state television was hacked less than a week after another similar incident disrupted a few TV and radio channels.

Hacktivist group Edalat-e Ali (Ali's Justice) hacked the television website and broadcasted a video with a strong opposition message Tuesday afternoon.

The video started with footage of people in Tehran’s Azadi stadium shouting “death to dictator” referring to Supreme Leader Ali Kamenei, then it cut into a close up of a masked man similar to the protagonist of the movie V for Vendetta, who said “Khamenei is scared, the regime’s foundation is rattling”.

The voice in the one-minute video continued that the Islamic Republic cannot silence them as they plan to turn the ten-day celebration of the 1979 revolution into mourning for Islamic Republic.

The 10-day Dawn – also known as Fajr -- is an expression used by the authorities to refer to the ten-day period between Ruhollah Khomeini's return to Iran on February 1 and to the day revolutionaries gained victory against Bakhtiar's government, the last remnant of the Pahlavi rule.

The video labeled the revolution anniversary, which is celebrated by extravagant state-sponsored events across the country, as a 10-day period for nationwide protests.