Donnerstag, 17.02.2022 / 12:47 Uhr

Frau und Mann in Afghanistan zu Tode gesteinigt

Angesichts solcher Meldungen klingt der Hinweis auf die lächerlichen Behauptungen vom Sommer des letzten Jahres, die Taliban seien "moderater" geworden, fad und zynisch. Und doch muss, so wenig es den Betroffenen auch bringt, immer wieder darauf verwiesen werden, wem das sehenden Auges dieses Land übergeben wurde.

A man and a woman have been stoned to death in Afghanistan’s north-eastern Badakhshan province, for having illegal relations.

Two local Taliban officials confirmed this on Wednesday.

“They have confessed that they had illegal relations and they had done this two to three times,” the local official said.

A Taliban official in the province told dpa that they were stoned at a sharia court.

Muslim men and women were not allowed to have sexual intercourse outside marriage under sharia law. (...)

Local newspaper Hasht-e Subh reported that the stoning took place publicly on Monday in the Nasi district of the province.

It was reportedly ordered by a Taliban commander.