Freitag, 06.05.2022 / 22:27 Uhr

Jesidische Demonstranten fordern Abzug von Armee und Milizen aus Sinjar

Bild: Basma Aldikhi

Seit Wochen herrscht Krieg im Sinjar und erneut mussten hunderte von Jesidinnen und Jesiden fliehen. Heute haben sie eine Demonstration abgehalten und den Abzug der irakischen Armee und der mit der PKK verbundenen YBS gefordert:

Dozens of people in Shingal blocked a main road on Friday, protesting the presence of the Iraqi army and a militia group affiliated to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in populated areas. They want only the Iraqi federal police to remain in these areas. 

The Iraqi army has been attempting to re-control the Yazidi heartland of Shingal from the PKK-affiliated Shingal Resistance Units (YBS) since April 18. The YBS controlled parts of Shingal months after it was invaded by the Islamic State (ISIS) militants in summer 2014. Clashes between the army and the all-Yazidi force escalated on May 2 and the following day, leading to the death of a soldier and a militant. 

Dozens of protesters have been calling for an end to the tensions in recent days. However, on Friday, they called for the withdrawal of both forces from the populated areas. 

“If the Iraqi army wants to protect us by firing at our women and children, we do not want such a protection,” Salim Shingali, a protester, told Rudaw’s Yousif Rabih, adding that they thank the YBS for helping them when ISIS attacked “but if they want our goodness, they should keep distance from our women, children and houses.”