Mittwoch, 17.07.2024 / 16:10 Uhr

Kämpfe zwischen PKK und Türkei führen zu Flucht von Zivilisten

Berge in Irakisch-Kurdistan, Bild: Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

Die Kämpfe zwischen PKK und türkischer Armee im Nordirak sind so heftig wie seit langem nicht mehr. Den Preis zahlen irakisch-kurdische Zivilisten.

Mitte Juni begannen Einheiten der türkischen Armee eine neue Offensive gegen die PKK, die Teile der nördlichen Provinz Dohuk in Irakisch-Kurdistan kontrolliert. CPT fasst zusammen, welche Folgen dies bislang hatte:

 The military operations have been conducted by both ground and aerial forces with the deployment of an estimated 1250 Turkish soldiers, 300 tanks, and intensifying aerial bombardments. Since the new operation on June 15th, Turkey has conducted at least 381 bombardments in Iraqi Kurdistan mainly through fighter jets but also by artillery shellings and drones. There has been considerable civilian impact mainly in the form of displacement, loss of economic livelihoods, agricultural land loss, ecological damage, and one verified casualty (1 injured).

The new military operation has resulted in the displacement of nine villages.  Eight of the villages are located in the Amedi district with one located in the Batifa district. Four villages from the Bari Gara area, located south of Amedi on the northern foot of Gara Mountain have been displaced. Those include Mizhe village, which had 38 families and had one of its schools bombed in February earlier this year during the preparatory phase of the current operation and had two houses destroyed; Spindare village, which had 43 families and a civilian house bombed and destroyed; Kafna Mizhe, which was home to 32 families and had one civilian house destroyed; and Girgashe, which was inhabited by 16 families. Many of the families, who relied on agriculture for their income, have lost their economic livelihoods due to their displacement to Deraluk and Duhok. The displaced families are now jobless, with some working as laborers or fruit sellers. In addition to displacement, the area had much of its forests burned that had vital trees and plants, which included apple trees, sumac trees, oak trees, walnut trees, qazwan trees, and daraban trees. Four villages from the Berwary Bala area, located northwest of Amedi near the northern foot of Matina Mountain have also experienced displacement.

Der türkische Präsident hatte Anfang des Jahres angekündigt, die PKK aus der Grenzregion vertreiben zu wollen. Neben unwegsamen Gebieten nördlich von Dohuk kontrolliert die PKK seit Jahrzehnten das an der iranischen Grenze gelegene Qandil Gebirge und auch Teile des Sinjar Gebirges, in dem der Islamische Staat 2014 einen Völkernord an den jesidischen Bewohnern verübte.

Die Kurdisch Demokratische Partei (KDP); die in Dohulk das Sagen hat ist seit langem de facto mit der Türkei verbündet und lässt türkische Truppen gewähren.