Dienstag, 04.08.2020 / 23:27 Uhr

Beirut: "Wie Hieroshima oder Nagasaki"



Die Times of Israel mit einer Bildstrecke über die Folgend der Explosionen in Beirut, bei denen nach jüngsten Angaben mindesten 75 Menschen starben und über 3500 verletzt wurden:

A giant mushroom cloud rose above Beirut on Tuesday following massive explosions at its port, which devastated buildings across Lebanon’s capital and injured dozens. Miles from the scene of the blasts, balconies were knocked down, ceilings collapsed and windows were shattered.


(Bildquelle: Twitter)

Witnesses saw many people injured by flying glass and debris. Dazed injured residents, their faces and bodies caked with blood, meandered through the smoldering wreckage, aided by passersby and medics. The number of wounded was not immediately clear.


(Bildquelle: Twitter)

Videos of the explosion quickly proliferated across social media and pictures showed the breadth of the carnage across the city.

“This reminds me of what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” said Beirut Governor Marwan Aboud. “I have never seen such widespread destruction. This is a national catastrophe. This is a disaster for Lebanon. We’re already living through days where we can barely keep going.”

“And now this…I don’t know how we’re going to recover from this,” Aboud told Sky News, before bursting into tears.

The blast was attributed by local media reports to fireworks or other explosive materials stored in warehouses along the port. Israel denied any involvement amid tensions with the Lebanon-based Hezbollah terrorist group, which also indicated it was an accident rather than a deliberate attack.

Die Hafenanlagen der libanesischen Hauptstadt scheinen weitgehend zerstört zu sein, was verheerende Folgen für die Versorgung des Landes, das sich schon jetzt in der schlimmsten ökonomischen Krise der letzten Jahrzehnte befindet, haben wird.
