Montag, 18.07.2022 / 13:42 Uhr

Taliban: Schickt uns Männer

Bild: Jan Chipchase

Während Not und Hunger sich täglich verschlimmern, Mädchen noch immer nicht zur Schule gehen können, halten die Taliban eisern an ihren Regeln fest, die sich auch nie geändert haben: Frauen sollen aus dem öffentlichen Leben möglichst ganz verschwinden.

Dies betreiben sie mit radikaler Konsequenz:

The Taliban have asked female employees at Afghanistan’s finance ministry to send a male relative to do their job a year after female public-sector workers were barred from government work and told to stay at home.

Women who worked in government positions were sent home from their jobs shortly after the Taliban took power in August 2021, and have been paid heavily reduced salaries to do nothing.

But several women told the Guardian they had received similar calls from Taliban officials requesting they recommend male relatives in their place, because the “workload in the office has increased and they need to hire a man instead of us”, according to one woman who did not wish her identity to be revealed.