Donnerstag, 08.04.2021 / 17:41 Uhr

Sudan annuliert anti-israelisches Gesetz

Im Rahmen der Normalisierung seiner Beziehung mit Israel ist die sudanesische Interimsregierung einen weiteren Schritt gegangen und ein Gesetz aus dem Jahre 1958 zurückgenommen, dass diplomatische und wirtschaftliche Kontakte mit dem jüdischen Staat verbot:

While Sudan’s civilian authorities have maintained that the decision to initiate relations with Israel would be left to the yet-to-be-formed transitional parliament, Tuesday’s vote is seen as a step that could pave the way for official visits and further diplomatic ties.

Sudan last year joined the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Morocco in agreeing to move toward normalized relations with Israel in Abraham Accords deals brokered by the Trump administration. (...)

One of those officials, Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen, welcomed Khartoum’s move.

“This is an important and necessary step toward the signing of a peace accord between the countries,” Cohen said in a statement, which did not expand on when such an event might take place.