Samstag, 11.06.2022 / 23:08 Uhr

Flughafen in Damaskus nach israelischem Luftangriff nicht benutzbar

Nach einem erneuten israelischen Raketenangriff auf den Damaszener Flughafen scheint dort ein Betrieb auf absehbare Zeit nicht mehr möglich zu sein:

Damascus International Airport will be out of use for some time after the Israeli attack, likely weeks, possible months. Planes unable to move, runways taken out, big strikes on each runway. Remaining flights redirected to Aleppo, huge cost, air travel in Syria paralysed.



Syrian Airlines has no flights, both planes trapped in Damascus, Cham wings has one plane stuck at Damascus airport, they were lucky that two of thier planes were away when the attack happened, redirected to Aleppo.

Inzwischen hat hat auch die syrische Regierung den Schaden offiziell bestätigt:

Syria state media has confirmed that Damascus International Airport has suffered major damage – including to runways – following an Israeli missile attack. (...)

Syria state media has confirmed that Damascus International Airport has suffered major damage – including to runways – following an Israeli missile attack.