Samstag, 30.12.2023 / 21:19 Uhr

Israel greift erneut Ziele in Syrien an

Plakat in Damaskus, Bildquelle: X (vormals Twitter)

Seit dem 7.10 hat Israel seine Luftangriffe auf Hizbollahstellungen und iranische Ziele in Syrien intensiviert.


Immer wieder greifen israelische Flugzeuge Ziele in Syrien an, wo Hizbollah und der Iran umfangreiche militärische Infrastruktur vor allem um Damaskus herum unterhält. Oft befindet die sich in Nähe von russischem Militär, weshalb vor dem Massaker des 7.10 sich Israel hier eher zurückhielt. Seitdem sind die "gloves off" und Berichten zufolge soll es zu massiven Zerstörungen gekommen sein, die auch in den letzten Tagen weiter gingen:

Two separate Israeli airstrikes targeted Syria late Thursday night, causing material damage, state media reported.

“At around 23:05 this evening, the Israeli enemy carried out an aerial aggression from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting some points in the southern region,” Syria state media (SANA) reported, citing a military source and adding that the Syrian aerial defense downed most of the missiles.

Hours later, SANA reported that Israel conducted another airstrike, from the direction of Lebanon, targeting Damascus.

Both attacks caused material damage according to SANA.

The UK-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights (SOHR) reported that the Israeli strikes targeted the vicinity of the Damascus airport, injuring two Syrian army soldiers.

Derweil befindet sich das russis´ch-israelische Verhältnis auf einen historischem Tiefpunkt, wie der Guardian heute berichtet:

"Alexander Gabuev, the director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, said it was only logical that Moscow opted to support the Iran-sponsored Hamas, as it was the option most beneficial for its war efforts in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine has become “the raison d’être for the entire machinery of Putinism”, Gabuev wrote in a recent op-ed, pointing to Iran’s indispensable military support.

“This is why the Kremlin’s muted reaction to the 7 October terrorist attacks by Hamas and ensuing full-throated criticism of Israel’s war in Gaza would once have been unimaginable but is hardly surprising in 2023,” he said.

As the Hamas attack unfolded, Russian officials and state-controlled media quickly took up a pro-Palestinian position, cheering Israeli military and intelligence blunders, which were presented as a testament to western weakness."