Samstag, 30.12.2023 / 21:32 Uhr

Hamas akzeptiert 'im Prinzip ägyptische Friedensbedingungen'

Führungstrio der Hamas, Bildquelle: NDTV

In Kairo versuchen Präsident al-Sissi, Katar und die USA einen Friedensvertrag auszuhandeln, dem Vertreter der Hamas zustimmen können. 


Unklar ist, on die israelische Seite indirekt auch an diesen Verhandlungen beteiligt ist. Jedenfalls scheinen sowohl politische wie militärische Führung dem Vorschlag nun zugestimmt zu haben, wie die in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten erscheinende Zeitung "The Nation" berichtet: Anders als in früheren ägyptischen Initiativen ist inzwischen keine Rede mehr davon, dass die Hamas ihre Macht in Gaza abtreten soll: Derweil hört man auch aus Jerusalem, dass es zu einem neuen Deal zum Austausch von Geiseln und Gefangenen kommen könnte.

Leading the Hamas delegation in the talks in Egypt is Ismail Haniyeh, the group’s political leader. The delegation includes Saleh Al Arouri and Ruhi Mushtahy, two confidants of Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader in Gaza and Israel’s most wanted man.

As with the earlier version seen by The National, the latest proposals are made up of three stages.

The first provides for a 20-day ceasefire during which Hamas would release children, the elderly, women and the ailing from among the hostages it has held since it attacked southern Israel on October 7.

Israel would in return free Palestinians held in its jails, with the number to be agreed later. During the ceasefire, Israel would refrain from all aerial activity over Gaza, including drone and reconnaissance flights. (..)

The second phase would last 10 days, during which the ceasefire would continue. Hamas would release Israeli women soldiers in exchange for another batch of Palestinians jailed in Israeli prisons. Israel would move its forces away from Gaza’s urban areas and allow substantial humanitarian assistance to enter the coastal enclave.

Gaza’s 2.3 million residents would also be allowed to move freely inside the territory except for areas where Israeli forces are stationed. The only change from the earlier version is that this phase would last 10 days rather than seven.

The third phase is a month-long window to negotiate a final prisoner and hostage swap that involves Hamas freeing Israeli male soldiers in return for a yet to be determined number of Palestinian prisoners, including high-profile figures serving life sentences. Israel would also completely pull out from the densely packed strip.

It includes no changes from the earlier draft.

The talks between Hamas’s leaders and Egyptian mediators are taking place amid fierce Israeli tank fire and aerial bombing of Gaza’s southern city of Khan Younis after about 200 people were reported to have been killed in 24 hours in Israel's onslaught.