Donnerstag, 10.10.2024 / 10:51 Uhr

Umfrage: Immer weniger Türken gehen zum Gebet

Suleyman Moschee in Istanbul, Bild: Thomas v. der Osten-Sacken

Die AKP hatte sich das Ziel gesetzt eine neue, gläubige Jugend heranzuziehen. So richtig will das, schaut man sich Statistiken aus der Türkei an nicht klappen. Während eine Mehrheit genau dieser Jugend sich zunehmend kritisch gegenüber dem Islam äußert, leeren sich derweil, wie diese jüngste Umfrage zeigt, auch noch die Moscheen:

The surveying firm Asal Arastirma asked 2,000 people across Turkey how often they pray and nearly half of the participants said they do not pray at all.

According to the poll conducted in August, 44.5 percent of respondents said they do not pray at all and 36.7 percent said they only pray at special times such as Fridays, Eid, and gratitude (shukr) prayers. Only 18.8 percent said they pray daily.

The number of people who do not pray at all has increased from a similar study conducted in April 2022, when it was 41.8 percent, while the number of those who pray daily has plummeted from 23 percent.
The declining numbers of the prayerful can be traced to a “clash within religious families” and a “collapse” in the culture, according to Turkish Islamic theologian Ihsan Eliacik.

“Children from religious families are becoming disillusioned with religion. While the religious groups are distancing themselves from religion, they are trying to Islamize the country along with those in power,” Eliacik told Rudaw.

Turkey’s religious classes are not fulfilling the needs of the people, according to Eliacik. “Art, literature, culture, religious thought, and philosophy have collapsed. At this point, they have nothing to offer people,” he said.