Mittwoch, 26.05.2021 / 21:45 Uhr

Schlechte Zeiten für "Dialoge" mit "Moderaten"

Der Wächterrat im Iran hab heute bekannt, wer zur nächsten Präsidentenwahl antreten darf. Sieben sind es und darunter ist keiner, der auch beim besten Willen als "moderat" oder "Reformer" bezeichnet werden könnte. Es kommen also harte Zeiten für die ganzen Freunde des Dialogs. Und im Iran verzichten sie diesmal auch noch auf das letzte bisschen Fassade:

Iran on Tuesday announced a list of mostly conservative or hard-line candidates for next month's presidential election, after several moderate politicians were barred from running.

Iran’s Guardian Council, which approves aspirants to elected office, narrowed the field to seven candidates from hundreds who had registered and disqualified prominent figures associated with centrist or reform-minded political factions. The seven candidates — all middle-aged men — are vying to replace President Hassan Rouhani, a centrist who is prevented by term limits from running again.

The council’s selections, which reflect the preferences of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, virtually guarantee the election of a hard-line government at a moment when Tehran is trying to revive a tattered nuclear deal with six world powers, roll back U.S.-imposed economic sanctions and mend relations with neighbors such as Saudi Arabia.