Freitag, 01.10.2021 / 13:40 Uhr

US Armee lehnte Taliban Angebot ab

Es liest sich alles wie aus einem schlechten Film, ist nur leider blutige Realität. Offenbar hatten die Taliban den Amerikanern angeboten, die Kontrolle in Kabul zu übernehmen. Dieses Angebot wurde abgelehnt. Danach marschierten sie in der afghanischen Hauptstadt ein.

The top US general overseeing forces in the Middle East told lawmakers he brushed aside an apparent offer by the Taliban to let US troops  take control of Afghanistan’s capital city as international evacuations from Kabul turned chaotic last month.

Senior Taliban official Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar suggested the option to CENTCOM commander Gen. Kenneth “Frank” McKenzie during a hastily-arranged meeting in Doha on August 15.

"That is not why I was there, that was not part of my instruction, and we did not have the resources to undertake that mission,” McKenzie told members of the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

The CENTCOM commander acknowledged he arrived in the Qatari capital with a plan to coordinate with Baradar on keeping Taliban forces 30 km outside Kabul, but he denied news reports that he threatened to strike Taliban forces if they entered the city.

By the time of the Doha meeting, the insurgents had already entered the city’s downtown, the general told Congress today.