Donnerstag, 08.12.2022 / 20:19 Uhr

Iran: Hinrichtungen von Demonstranten beginnen

Eben erreicht mich diese Message aus dem Iran:

Executions of demonstrators in the corrupt regime of the Islamic Republic has begun, and Mohsen Shekhari is the first person to be executed. The international community must stand against the dictatorial regime of Iran, otherwise more people will be executed in the coming days.

Certainly, if the international community does not take serious action against the mullahs' regime, we will face dark days and witness the execution of protesters every day.

Please sensitize the people of Iran and the international community to this action of the regime through tweets and social networks, they do not hesitate to kill people.

The goal of the regime from the first executions is to evaluate the type of people's reaction to these executions, as well as the reaction of the international community to it.

Certainly, the neutrality of the world community against the first executions will intensify it in the coming days.

Governments and people abroad should stand by the people of Iran and show an immediate and strong reaction to this execution.

The brutal Khamenei regime is committing all kinds of crimes in Iran.

In Iran, they are trying to silence all the voices. Please pay attention to the videos that reach you from Iran. Here, the criminal regime of the Islamic Republic is slaughtering people.

But these days even the supporters of the regime are afraid to show their faces and most of them are afraid of being recognized by people.

And we should never forget: We are just at the beginning and it will take time until the fall of the regime. But the start of this fall is here but dictators in the Middle East never go without a lot of bloodshet before."


Siehe auchExecution Of Young Protester Sparks Deep Anger Among Iranians

The judiciary announced the execution of Mohsen Shekari, a twenty-three-year-old waiter, on Thursday. By the evening some had taken to the streets, particularly on Sattar Khan Avenue in the west of the capital Tehran where he was arrested, to protest his execution. A video posted on Twitter shows people marching towards the Shekari home in silence.

Many others have taken to social media to express their deep anger of the regime’s sham trial and execution of a young man to instill fear among protesters.

“For every person who is killed there will be thousand rising up,” protesters often chant on the streets. This time they are vowing revenge for Shekari and all those innocently executed or killed on the streets. “Wait for our revenge for Mohsen Shekari!” one of the thousands of tweets posted Thursday with the hashtag Mohsen Shekari said.

Some Iranians called the execution a simple murder by the state.

Reformist pundit Abbas Abdi in Tehran in a tweet argued that legal punishment would only establish justice and placate people if the accused’s trial is held publicly and with due process including the right to appoint an attorney he wishes to represent him. He then added that Shekari’s execution will only exacerbate hatred and animosity among people rather than deterring them from protesting.