Aus dem Netz

Aus einer Presseerklärung von UN-Watch:

A United Nations General Assembly committee today adopted eight resolutions that single out or condemn Israel, and zero on the entire rest of the world.

Meldungen, die es kaum noch in die Schlagzeilen schaffen. Geht schließlich nur um ein paar Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien:

Russia and the Assad regime have bombed more than 60 medical facilities in northwest Syria since launching an offensive in late April, according to the UN.

Wie EA berichtet ist es Bewohnern der Kleinstadt Kafr Takharim gelungen, einen Übernahmeversuch der islamistischen Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham abzuwehren:

Pro-opposition outlets say an attempt by HTS convoys to take over Kafr Takharim in northwest Idlib Province, effectively suspending its local council, was prevented by protests on Wednesday.

Seth J. Frantzman schreibt in der Jerusalem Post über die UN im Irak, die statt Regierung und Milizen lieber die Demonstranten kritisiert:

Im Gaza hat es erneut Proteste gegen die Hamas gegeben:

A rare public anti-Hamas protest took place in Gaza following the death of a 28-year-old man who’d been thrown from the window of his own home by the terror group’s security services. (...) with the participants chanting: “Hamas are murderers.”


Im Irak geht es weiter:

Protesters in Iraq's capital and its south shut down streets, schools and government offices Sunday, AFP's correspondents said, escalating the month-long movement demanding change to the country's political system.

In Baghdad, university-age demonstrators parked cars in the middle of main thoroughfares, blocking traffic on the first day of the work week in the Muslim-majority country.

Es geht weiter, nicht nur im Libanon sondern auch dem Irak, wo die Zahl der bei den jüngsten Protesten zu Tode gekommenen inziwschen offiziell auf 75 gestiegen ist.

Thousands of people have continued to pour into the streets of central Baghdad, defying an army-imposed curfew meant to stem anti-government protests in the Iraqi capital.

Heute im Libanon:

Organisers said they were seeking 175,000 people to line Lebanon’s 175km coast. Though there were gaps, the numbers were nonetheless impressive.

Where crowds bunched, volunteers drove participants to more sparse areas.

Meldungen am Rande:

A US official has revealed that Turkey is holding a total of 50 US nuclear bombs "hostage" at an air base near the border with Syria, adding that Washington has begun the efforts to repatriate them.

After five days of a Turkish offensive against the Kurdish forces in northeastern Syria, US President Donald Trump announced sanctions on Ankara, also demanding that the NATO ally should put an end to its military campaign in Syria.

"That Israel and the Sunni-Arab Gulf states cooperate closely is the Middle East’s worst-kept secret. Despite the absence of formal diplomatic relations, everybody knows Jerusalem has clandestine yet robust ties with Riyadh, Abu Dhabi, Manama and other capitals in the region, due to shared concerns about an increasingly belligerent Iran.

Turkey recognizes the fact that the people of China's Xinjiang lead happy lives, Chinese state media on Tuesday cited Turkish President Tayip Erdogan as saying, a region where China has been running a controversial de-radicalization scheme.

Two activists, Majid and Ahlam, worked to save dozens of LGBT people from persecution in Iraq, but without going into their rescue work with that exact goal in mind. According to Feder, their first rescue brought three men from behind the lines. It wasn’t until two of them kissed after the rescue that Majid, their getaway driver, found out they were gay.

Im Sudan protestieren Menschen erneut gegen das herrschende Militär:

Despite the threat of violence, protesters from around Sudan converged in the capital Khartoum for a Sunday rally, less than a month after a deadly military crackdown on protesters. 

Aus Protest gegen das Verbot der Pride Parade in der Türkei hat die Istanbuler Traditionsmarke Bomonti eine Pride Edition ihres (übrigens sehr leckeren) Bieres auf den Markt gebracht. Die Brauerei Bomonti wurde 1890 gegründet, also noch im Osmanischen Reich; heute gehört sie zur Efes-Gruppe, der größten Brauerei der Türkei.
